'To be or not to be; that is the question', and that's how I felt when asked to write about the character sketch of Ophelia in my 12th standard. But that was then, now, it's all very easy. Sit back and relax while someone else reads out the play for you. And the best part, you don't have to give explanations about the algebraic symbols to your English ma'am.
This play reading session is from the book Partition by Ira Hauptman. It's a play set in Cambridge, England. Srinivas Ramanujan, the popular mathematician goes to Cambridge on the invitation of Prof. Hardy, who becomes his mentor and guide. Then there is Goddess of Namagiri of Namakkal whom Ramanujan prayed to and who, in his dreams would write equations on his tongue. There's one fictional character as well, Prof. Pilling and finally there's a ghost of the famous 17th century French mathematician, Pierre de Fermat. The last theorem of his was never clearly solved. The play is based on the theory of partition in real mathematics.
There would be visuals and suitable audio pieces to create the relevant atmosphere. The play readers will be wearing appropriate costumes as well. This reading session is being organized as a part of the State Mathematical Society. The play reading will be by Vitthal Rajan, Sarala Mahidhara, Ranjan Ranganathan, Vilas Mayur and Shankar Melkote. Please contact Shankar Melkote at 98485-20699 for further details.