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A Musical Night By D Surekha And Vinod Babu

A Musical Night By D Surekha And Vinod Babu is an event that took place on 05-Nov-2001 in Hyderabad.
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Feeling like a Saturday night on a Monday morning isn't really the simplest of things, as a certain singer popularly proclaims, and two others are trying to soften the blow of a new week's hitting you. Here's some old melodies this Monday night, and if these singers realize the gravity of the occasion, they'll make them spirited ones as well.

Kalaradhana is a cultural organization that often organizes musical programs. One such event is happening today, with veteran singers D Surekha and Vinod Babu presenting hit songs of S P Balasubramanyam and S Janaki. About 20 melodies will be presented on the occasion. Vinod Babu is a guitarist-cum-vocalist, and Surekha is a senior singer who has participated in a number of music programs organized by the All India Radio (AIR).

Chinna on the keyboards, Ravi on the flute, Swamy on the electronic pads and Paul Raj and Shiva Kumar on the tabla will support the in the musical nite. Please contact 98490-38645/353-1991 for further details.
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