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Images From Ages - A Painting Exhibition By Arun Singh

Images From Ages - A Painting Exhibition By Arun Singh is an event that took place between 04-Nov-2001 and 08-Nov-2001 in Hyderabad.
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Born in the city of Varanasi in 1978, a young Arun Singh was fascinated by the play of the colors that took place on the shores of the mighty Ganga, and decided that it was only with colors that he could express himself. Ever since then, it has been work.

He chose the great epic Ramayana and tried to portray the life and times of Rama, and has finished seven paintings. The life of the great Bhikshu, who left kingly comforts for the loneliness of forests, caught his imagination then, and this was followed soon by the great love of Meera for Krishna, and his cavorting with the gopikas on the banks of the Yamuna.

A visit to the Taj Mahal, and the organic lines etched on the walls, had a great influence on him, and that can be seen in most of his paintings. The mythological protagonists of our country inspire much of his work, and he tries to capture them all on canvas.

He lives in the present, too - his depiction on canvas of the chaos of the great cities of Mumbai and Kolkata won him much acclaim. He aims to capture all the ages right from that of the cavemen to the kids of the computer age. In that endeavor, he has tried various media of expression through the creation of this sculpture "Symbol of Human Ages".

His recent exhibition called "Images From Ages", which will be on for 4 days starting from the 4th, has paintings depicting his thoughts about the ages. K C K A Gupta, Chairman, Ocean Park Multitech Limited, will inaugurate the exhibition. Please contact Arun Singh at 98492-20893 for further details.
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