Shilparamam is presenting a Kuchipudi dance recital by Deepika Reddy & group, on 16th December, as part of the ongoing All-India Crafts Mela. Deepika, along with her disciples Mihira, Sravya, Sudha, Pooja, Sreya, Pragna, Rishika and Gayathri, will present some traditional Kuchipudi items, starting with Saint Thyagaraja's Sri Ganapathini, and followed by Sringarinchukuni, Shivudu Tandavamadenu, Dr. Balamurali's Tillana, Tarangam and a Pandit Ravi Shankar Mangalam on all the elements. The vocal and nattuvangam for the recital are by D S V Sastry, mridangam is by Bhanuprasad, violin by Shiva and flute by Murali.
Deepika Reddy was initiated into classical dance in the Kuchipudi and Bharatnatyam styles by Sumathi Kaushal, at a young age. She later trained under the guidance and tutelage of Dr. Vempati Chinnasatyam, maestro par excellence in the Kuchipudi style of dance.
Under Dr. Chinnasatyam, Deepika blossomed into a dancer of repute, quickly grasping the advanced principles of the dance. Blessed with a pair of large, expressive eyes, fluid swinging movements and stage presence, Deepika has become a name to reckon with. She portrays every aspect of abhinaya and nritta exceedingly well.
Deepika has a post-graduate degree in Travel and Tourism. She has travelled all over the country and the world, performing in the presence of world dignataries, and winning appreciation and accolades. She has recently toured Belgrade and Turkey for dance festivals organised by the Indian Council of Cultural Relations.
Please contact the venue at 2310-0455 or Deepika Reddy at 98496-63380 for further details.