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The Great Dessert Festival At Pizza Corner

The Great Dessert Festival At Pizza Corner is an event that took place between 09-Nov-2001 and 18-Nov-2001 in Hyderabad.
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Ending a meal has dual advantages - it's usually the best part, and if combined with avoiding the meal altogether, even helps keep the bulge under control (the other insignificant ingredient in this being optimism, of course). And so here's a festival of just ending meals.

Pizza Corner and Bakers' Inn are jointly organizing "The Great Dessert Festival". A wide range of desserts, cakes and pastries will be available during the festival. Some of the special items available are:

Desserts Peach Caramel Gateau, Fresh Strawberry Passion Gateau, Fresh Strawberry Fan Torte, Coffee Crunch Moussee Gateau, Death By Chocolate, Chocolate All The Way, Choco Mint Moussee Cup, Devils Food Cake, Choco Chip Cheese Cake, Peach Othello, Chocolate Passion Gateau, Fresh Fruit Fritters With Ice Cream, Ice Cream Sandwich With Choco Sauce, French Strawberry Monte Carlo, Millefeulle, Fresh Fruit Fondue, Walnut Brownie With Hot Fudge, Chocolate Crunch Moussee And Assorted Mousse

Pastries Choc Flake, Choco Pyramid, Choco Truffle, Truffle Tart, Iced Brownie, Coffee Walnut, Choco Swiss Roll, Choco
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