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Annual Sale Offers At Crossword

Annual Sale Offers At Crossword is an event that took place between 16-Nov-2001 and 02-Dec-2001 in Hyderabad.
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When the Net comes for free (well, theoretically, at least), the newspapers are in a war about who'll sell for less, and the other media relentlessly make reading look like making fire using stones, it's time for lateral thinking for the publishers and the bookstores. And somehow it all converges on discounts. Here's more!

The bookstore that has, over the last one year, brought to the Hyderabadis some fine events for the young and the old alike like evenings with Anju Poddar and Sanjeev Kapoor and a toys mela, is in the news again, but this time for the special offers on the occasion of its 'Annual Sale'. Here are the highlights:

- Discounts of up to 70% on a vast range of titles (for e.g., a 10 Volume Webster's Family Encyclopedia is available for just Rs.485 (cover price: Rs. 2,008)).
- Up to 20% off on purchases over Rs. 2,500 of regular books (those not on the special sale offer) in a single bill. You can mix and match books from various subjects.
- Up to 15% off on any regular book purchase (those not on special sale offer). This offer is valid even on a single book purchase.
- 20% off on Crossword 'Gift Voucher' purchases (that can be New Year gifts to your friends and colleagues) over Rs. 2,500, and 15% off on the purchases below that.

For more information, please write to bookrewards@crossword.co.in, or contact Vinay Kumar or Madhu at 776-3239/42.
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