Summer is just another excuse for kids to get in their parents' hair. Only until these summer camps (unanimous sigh of relief) came along and saved the day.
Saptaparini is conducting a month long workshop for children from the ages of 6 to 13 in two batches. The first batch is for kids aged 6 to 9 from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM. The second batch is scheduled for the evening for kids aged 10 to 13 from 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM.
Apart from the regular cultural activities and sporting events, this camp also aims at instilling Indain cultural values and a strong sense of heritage in the children. And how do they go about doing that? By reading out mythological stories to them everyday.
The other activities here include making something useful out of papier mache and recycled flowers like greeting cards, photo frames and masks; putting up plays and skits; puppet making; Show and Tell; candle making; creating comic strips; candle decorating; rangoli; calligraphy; cooking; vegetable carving; story telling; pottery and many more.
Special 3 day pottery classes will also be conducted from the 15th of April to the 17th for a fee of Rs. 150. Saptaprini also holds free Shloka chanting sessions on every Saturday. For further details please contact Saptaparini on 5566-7707.