Xinthom, Cwanage, Quadroy, Yifingut, Wamlibop, Fenchity, Mokites, Zabity and a host of other words are what we've hammered (literally) into our siblings while playing Scrabble. Unfortunately, nobody other than a sibling takes that kind of bullying. This and other mysteries of life will be unravelled before you at the Zygo Scrabble Club.
The Zygo Scrabble Club is an attempt to gather kids and adults to pursue what they enjoy doing the most. No this doesn't mean you can go horse-riding. You have to play Scrabble. And read. This is an attempt by Naina Joseph and Damaraj to inculcate the habit of reading in children and put their literary skills to test. The club teaches how to play Scrabble for a whole month and also provides useful tips.
The fee for a month is Rs. 500 and the eligibility is a minimum of 8 years of age. Please contact Naina Joseph on 2784-0056 or 98482-09971 for further details.