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Pratibimb 2K5 - An Acting Workshop

Pratibimb 2K5 - An Acting Workshop is an event that took place between 11-Apr-2005 and 11-Jun-2005 in Hyderabad.
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Acting? Anchoring? VJing? If you have the fire in your belly and the will to slug it out, this is the place for you this summer.

Pratibimb 2K5 is being conducted by the Sutradhar School Of Acting, under the aegis of Sutradhar Casting Agency Pvt Ltd. The workshop will be conducted for 5 days a week. Those between 15 and 60 years of age are eligible for enrollment.

The workshop is open for all those who would want to take up acting, anchoring or video jockeying as a hobby or even as a profession.

No formal qualification is required to get admission to this course; the prospective participant should have good communication skills in Hindi, English and Telugu. The admission would not be on first-come-first-served basis, but on the basis of an informal assesmesnt by the Sutradhar Casting Agency.

Aspects like body language, gestures, postures, mime, observation and imagination exercises, voice and speech exercises, and emotion and memory will form part of the course.

The participant is groomed to handle all aspects of theater, like choosing/writing a script, direction, production execution, stage management, casting, set designing, costume designing, lights designing, music, make-up and acting. Since media acting also forms a part of the curriculum, they will also be learning the difference between acting on-stage and acting before the camera.

Prof. Bhaskar Shewalkar and Vinay Varma will be taking up the classes. On completion of the workshop, the company would register the participants in its database and outsource them to the media including films, TV, documentaries, and ad filmmakers.

The Sutradhar agency started training in the year 1999, and since then they have churned out about 40 actors.

Please contact Vinay Varma on 2322-6485 or 98480-52541 for further details.
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Sutradhar Casting Agency Pvt Ltd (Theater Group) events
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