Antonioni's first film since suffering a stroke in 1995 is based on stories from his book That Bowling Alley On The Tiber River. It is a loosely connected series of beautifully shot romantic vignettes, tied together by "The Director".
This character (Malkovich) wanders around Italy observing the inhabitants of various cities: a beautiful young couple have two magical evenings 3 years apart; The Director learns the secret of a beautiful young woman (Marceau); a married man (Weller) must choose between his young mistress or his loyal wife; and, finally, a young man (Perez) tries to win over an aloof young woman (Jacob).
The film will be screened at Sri Sarathi Studios, on the 19th of April, at 6:30pm. The film is 115 minutes long. It is directed by Michelangelo Antonioni and Wim Wenders. The cast includes John Malkovich, Fanny Ardant, Chiara Caselli, Irene Jacob and Sophie Marceau.
Please contact Prakash Reddy of Hyderabad Film Club at 2373-0841/93910-20243 for further details.