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No End - A Film By Krzystof Kieslowski

No End - A Film By Krzystof Kieslowski is an event that took place on 20-Dec-2006 in Hyderabad.
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This evening, there's the ghost of a young lawyer and the genuis of a legendary movie-maker on screen. The latter, for one last time.

The Hyderabad Film Club, in collaboration with the Embassy of The Republic of Poland, New Delhi, and the Federation Of Film Societies Of India, is screening a series of short films and feature films of Polish director Krzystof Kieslowski, as a tribute to the legend, from 13th to 20th December, at Sarathi Studios, Ameerpet.

16 short films and 5 feature films will be screened during these days. Today, the 7th day, a feature film called No End will be screened.

This is the story of the ghost of a young lawyer, who observes the world as it is after martial law. Three motifs interweave. A worker accused of being an activist with the opposition and whom the young lawyer was to defend, is now being defended by an older, experienced colleague who is resigned to compromise.

The lawyer
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