Know why you come across dishes such as roaches' legs, dogs and frogs from Mongolia? The famines there were so frequent, that people had to learn to subsist on a variety of foods. Yet today, these foods have turned delicacies.
But don't worry, Waterside Cafe offers you nothing as trying as fried crickets. Instead they give you the delicious cuisine that has become so intensely popular in India, that Indian Chinese today is a valid class of gourmet food. Guangdong, Schezwan, Hunan, Fujian, all come to you spiced-up for the Indian palate and decorated with an array of sauces.
If it is Waterside, you know you will get a lot more than Chicken Manchuria, Spring Rolls and fried-rice. So brace yourself for a tongue-tickling and wallet-lightening feast on Fridays from 1900 to 2300 hrs. Please contact 6666-9999 for further details.