When Gopichand started, he had few backers - thankfully, today, sports is a serious business.
India's performance in the sporting events has always been wanting. And for the colleges in the city, this is the chance to change Indias' fortunes. But for the time-being, they'll have to be content battling out with each other on the badminton court.
The colleges participating in this event are Sardar Patel College; MVSR Engg. College; Govt. College Khairtabad; Aurora PG College; St. Mary's College, Yousufguda; V.V. College; Badruka College; OU Law College; OU Arts College; Wesley Degree College; Nizam College; Aurora Degree College; OU College of Commerce; CBIT Engg. College; Bhavan's College Sainikpuri; OU College of Technology; PG College Secunderabad; Mathrusri PG College; Deccan Engg. College,; OU Engg. College,; MJ Engg. College; St. Patricks College; Avanthi Degree College; Vasavi Engg. College; OU College of Science; Anwar-Ul-Uloom College; and AV College.
Here are the dispensable part of the event, the rules :-
1. ICT and IUT rules will be followed
2. Eligibility forms and latest identity cards should be handed over to the Organising Secretary atleast 30 minutes before the commencement of the match
3. All the teams should report at 10.30am at CBIT, Gandipet (each team consists of 4 players)
4. There will be two singles, and one doubles match
5. Teams have to share the shuttle-cocks for their matches
6. Protest fee of Rs. 500/- should be paid along with the protests, if any, to the Organising Secretary.
Even if you haven't made it to the court, you can always cheer your favorite team. Please contact B Sunil Kumar on 94402-65415 for further details.