There are certain crafts not entertained at Hogswart - they are taught here.
Crossteps is inviting you to learn to reawaken your creativity, shake off old thought patterns, and create something new in a novel and unusual way. At Saptaparni, it is presenting a series of workshops starting from the 7th of August (every Sunday), and from the 11th of August (every Thursday).
Crossteps is bringing out the following programs:
Sparks: A creative crafts workshop (for kids between 6 and 9 years)
Yes: A workshop on creative ideation (for ladies)
Expessions: A workshop on creative reading (for kids between 6 and 9 years)
Spellwell: A workshop on enhancing spellings (for kids between 6 and 9 years, & 10 and 13 years)
I-A: A workshop on creative thinking (for kids between 6 and 9 years, & 10 and 13 years)
Please contat Sujatha at 94404-44536 or Smita on 98480-44074 for further details.