Hear all ye ladies! Get your men, come in before ten, guzzle down your free drinks all the way to heaven, and back again. (Hic!) Touch, the restro-bar at Banjara hills dedicates this night to the fairer sex. However, since it's a couple only event, the ladies accompanied by their partners can make their way to The Lounge at Touch and enjoy their free drinks from 8 to 10 pm, even as they watch their men chip in the moolah for entry and drinks.
In order to have a young, fun, yet classy night, the people at Touch have decided to have a dress code for both sexes. Beach casuals such as shorts or footwear is a big no-no. The women are requested to come in as stylishly modern as they can get.
Please contact Touch at 2354-2422, 2354-2433 for further details.