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Cultural Events And Shopping Mela

Cultural Events And Shopping Mela is an event that took place between 17-Oct-2001 and 25-Oct-2001 in Hyderabad.
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God works - as in "Chiclets - It Works". This Health Club is doing so well thanks to the Yesudas' invoking the Lord's grace at its inaugural, it's at it again. If you always wondered what mixing bodybuilding with Navaratri would look like, here is how.

Encouraged by the well-attended musical program at its inaugural a couple of months back, the K R Neo Citizens Health Club is organizing more entertaining programs on the event of Navaratri, for a period 9-day period.

The R K musical group with videoscope, mimicry with dance; dance and stunt show by members of the club; hypnotism by Nagesh and party; a musical nite by Poornima; Annamacharya devotional night by Shobha Raju; Karra Samu with Dappu by professionals from Cuddapah; a musical show by Jugalbandi; and dance competitions are some of the entertaining programs scheduled for this event. Various food outlets along with shopping stalls will be on till the last day for the visitors' convenience.

Apart from the above, a super Tambola and Dandiya items will be held everyday. Please contact 711-1652/711-6959/98482-19477 for further details.
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