What can we say about a French playwright? For starters, he's French. And he writes plays. Good enough? Probably not. Okay, so here goes all of it - Bernard Marie Koltes, is one of the most celebrated contemporary playwrights. His plays are a phenomenal success all across the globe. His works present a vision of the harsh realities of late twentieth-century life, combined with a formal approach to dramatic dialogue in the French classical tradition.
One such super-exceedingly, brilliant masterpiece of all masterpieces is 'Bheed Mein Akele'. This is the Hindi version of the French 'Dans la solitude des champs de coton'. The English translation of this is called 'In the solitude of cotton fields'. This play is an extraordinary duologue between two men who meet randomly on the street and try to negotiate a deal that will never be struck.
From there on follows a mesmerising tale of desire, power, humiliation, rejection, struggle, trade, drama, life and death. Alliance Francaise de Hyderabad will read excerpts of this play on the 16th and the 23rd. On the 26th, a troupe from Delhi will enact the play at Bhaskar Auditorium.
Please contact Alliance Francaise de Hyderabad on 2770-0734/35/36 for further details.