Over 1.2 billion of the world's population have no access to clean drinking water. That includes several in Hyderabad too. Yes, the reality check is right here, this evening.
ECOMOVE International, Germany, is screening a series of 11 documentaries from various countries, from 18th to 22nd January, at Goethe-Zentrum - The Association of German Culture. Today, the 2nd day, a German documentary called Watery Visions by Henning Hesse and Martin Fensch, will be screened.
Over 1.2 billion of the world's population have no access to clean drinking water. The global water crisis is real. But how can the problems be solved? This documentary presents the dramatic developments as well as new approaches and solutions to this crisis around the world.
Sustainable water management is needed to combat hunger, disease and poverty. Watery Visions shows different approaches from all over the world. Questionable large-scale water projects, excessive water waste and intergovernmental conflicts need to be replaced by sophisticated approaches for smart water management - be it water conservation, sustainable financial policies or international cooperations.
In the framework of an educational project initiated by ECOMOVE International, a series of film screenings and discussions take place in different cities/regions in India. For this project, ECOMOVE has prepared a film program presenting award-winning documentaries dealing with environmental problems in India and their global backgrounds and causes. An initial film screening in Chennai as well as a film tour through various villages in South India have taken place in April 2006.
The screenings will start everyday from 6:00pm, at the Goethe-Zentrum office in Hermitage Complex, Opp. Kalanjali Showroom, Hill Fort Road, and are absolutely free. For further details, please contact 6652-6443/2324-1791.