Kalasagaram, a cultural association based in Secunderabad, is organising a veena recital by P Vasantha Kumar, on 12th August, at the Keyes Girls High School. The recital is part of Kalasagaram's monthly program of classical music. Vasantha Kumar will be supported by S Aravind on the mridangam and Neman Somayajulu on the ghatam.
Vasantha Kumar is a disciple of Sangeetha Kalanidhi Veena K S Narayana Swamy and Kalaimamani Veena R Pitchumani. He is an approved artiste of the All-India Radio. He is the recipient of various prestigious awards from Music Academy and Krishna Gana Sabha, in addition to the Kalaimamani Award from the Government of Tamil Nadu which he received recently.
He has featured in the national programs of AIR and Doordarshan, including the Sangeet Sammelans of AIR. He has performed in many places across India and abroad, and is the member of the executive committee of Music Academy.
Kalasagaram is a South-Indian cultural association situated in the East Nehru Nagar of East Marredpally, and has been organising Carnatic music concerts for more than 35 years. The concerts are always held in the Keyes High School campus at the open-air theater. The singers are generally from outside Hyderabad, usually amateurs and upcoming artistes, and quite competent. Kalasagaram also occasionally stages South-Indian classical dances and Tamil plays.
Please contact Rajagopalan of Kalasagaram at 2773-1775 for further details.