Who said it's all studies and no play for Hyderabad's colleges? Er - nobody. And those who don't play, at least watch and bitch. Like in here.
The Hyderabad Cricket Association is organising the M N Abbasi Trophy Inter-college Knock-Out Cricket Tournament from 8th to 12th January, at various Grounds in the city, in which 18 colleges are participating.
The colleges are Wesley Degree College, Avanti Degree College, P G College (Secunderabad), Little Flower Junior College, Aurora Degree College, St. Mary's Junior College, Muffakam Jah Engineering College, Nrupatunga College, Bhavan's Vivekananda College, Nizam College, Matrusree Engineering College, CAT Degree College, Anwar-Ul-Uloom, Sri Sai Degree College, Loyola Academy, Chaitanya Bharathi College of Technology, Badruka College and S P College. The schedule of matches is as under:
8th January
Wesley Degree College Vs Avanti Degree College at HGS Grounds
P G College (Sec'bad) Vs Little Flower Junior College at PG College Grounds
Aurora Degree College Vs St. Mary's Junior College at Postal Grounds, Amberpet
Nrupatunga College Vs Bhavan's Vivekananda at Bhavan's Grounds, Sainikpuri
Nizam College Vs Matrusree Engineering College at Nizam College Grounds
CAT Degree College Vs Anwar-Ul-Uloom at Parade Grounds
Sri Sai Degree College Vs Loyola Academy at Loyola Grounds, Old Alwal
Badruka College Vs SP College at PKCC Grounds, Amberpet
9th January
Winner of match 1 Vs winner of match 2, of 8th January at Postal Grounds
Winner of match 3 of 8th January Vs Muffakam Jah at HGS Grounds
Winner of match 5 Vs winner of match 6, of 8th January at Nizam Grounds
Winner of match 7 of 8th January Vs CBIT at Loyola Grounds
10th January
Winner of match 2 of 9th January Vs winner of match 4 of 8th January at Bhavan's Grounds
Winner of match 4 of 9th January Vs winner of match 8 of 8th January at Postal Grounds
11th January
Winner of match 1 of 9th January Vs winner of match 1 of 10th January at PKCC Grounds
Winner of match 3 of 9th January Vs winner of match 2, of 10th January at HGC Grounds
12th January
Finals - winner of match 1 Vs match 2, of 11th January, at PKCC Grounds
All the above matches are of 50 overs' duration, starting 9:30am everyday. For further details, please contact Hyderabad Cricket Association at 2790-5676.