1685 Jugalbandi By Anooradha Sriram And Sriram Parasuram For SICA: Events in Hyderabad - fullhyd.com
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Jugalbandi By Anooradha Sriram And Sriram Parasuram For SICA

Jugalbandi By Anooradha Sriram And Sriram Parasuram For SICA is an event that took place on 18-Mar-2002 in Hyderabad.
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Jugalbandis among couples are no strange occurrences, and neither are people gathering to watch them. What makes this couple different is that people are actually paying for a ringside view of this!

As part of SICA's 42nd Annual Festival of Music and Dance, the eminent vocalist husband and wife duo Sriram Parasuram and Anooradha Sriram will present a jugalbandi (Hindustani and Carnatic) on the last day of the festival. This will be a comparative presentation of equivalent ragas - the Carnatic and the Hindustani systems.

Sriram is famous for mesmerizing audiences by his sheer musical exuberance, and Anooradha, for her melody. Sriram, the second of three brothers, is a vocalist and a violinist. Formally trained in Carnatic, Hindustani and Western classical music, Sriram is now pursuing his doctorate in Ethnomusicology (world music) from Wesleyan University, USA. Wife Anooradha Sriram is a popular playback and pop singer. The couple have teamed up as composers and presented a number of concerts together.

Please contact Chakrapani, SICA, at 761-4374 for further details.
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