What would you do if the alternatives before you were to drown or live like you have drowned? This documentary on the Narmada Andolan has been seen by 14 million people.
ECOMOVE International, Germany, is screening a series of 11 documentaries from various countries, from 18th to 22nd January, at Goethe-Zentrum - The Association of German Culture. Today, the 2nd day, an English documentary called Drowned Out by Franny Armstrong will be screened.
Filmed over 3 years, Drowned Out tells the true story of one family's inspired stand against the destruction of its land, home and culture. Before them lie three choices. Move to the slums in the city, accept a place at a resettlement site, or stay at home and drown. The people of Jalsindhi in Central India must make a decision fast. Over the next few weeks, their village will disappear underwater as the giant Narmada Dam fills.
The 75 minute low-budget, no electricity, non-Hindi documentary has been seen by more than 14 million people.
In the framework of an educational project initiated by ECOMOVE International, a series of film screenings and discussions take place in different cities/regions in India. For this project, ECOMOVE has prepared a film program presenting award-winning documentaries dealing with environmental problems in India and their global backgrounds and causes. An initial film screening in Chennai as well as a film tour through various villages in South India have taken place in April 2006.
The screenings will start everyday from 6:00pm, at the Goethe-Zentrum office in Hermitage Complex, Opp. Kalanjali Showroom, Hill Fort Road, and are absolutely free. For further details, please contact 6652-6443/2324-1791.