You are sure to win prizes and adulations for your dances. Only Naved, Jaffery and Ravi might not be around.
The All The Best Arts Academy is organising a dance contest at the Ambedkar Bhavan today. The categories for this competition are Classical, Folk, Patriotic, Film and Western dances. There are four other categories in each section: Kids, Sub-Juniors, Juniors and Seniors. The participants can perform in Solo, Mixed-Doubles or Groups sections.
The chief guest for the prize distribution ceremony is B S Nagaphani Sharma. The other guests include CAPCO Chairman, Mandedi Krishna Reddy, and film director, Kiran Kumar. The participants will be awarded certificates for participating and the winners will be given memtos and certificates.
A total of 70 people are expected to participate in these competitions. The registrations for the dances closes on the 30th of July. There is also a fancy dress competition for children below 12 years.
Please contact 93913-50435/93913-45415 for further details.