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The Maasai Mara: Photography Exhibition Of Wildlife By Suheim Sheikh

The Maasai Mara: Photography Exhibition Of Wildlife By Suheim Sheikh is an event that took place between 08-Dec-2012 and 10-Dec-2012 in Hyderabad.
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Goethe-Zentrum Hyderabad is presenting "The Maasai Mara", an exhibition of wildlife photography by Suheim Sheikh, at Goethe-Zentrum Hyderabad. The exhibition is on from 8th to 10th December 2012, from 9:30am to 5:30pm.

The exhibition will be inaugurated on Friday, the 7th December 2012, at 6pm. Amala Akkineni, founder & director of Blue Cross of Hyderabad, is the chief guest.

Photographer Suheim Sheikh started his career originally in the field of software entrepreneurship. Apart from that, the Hyderabadi is a passionate sailor, who teaches children to sail at the Yacht Club of Hyderabad that was founded by him in 2009.

In this photography exhibition, he seeks to present contrasting conditions and laws of survival in the Maasai Mara National Reserve in the East African Kenya.

The exhibition is open to all. Please contact 2335-0443 / 2335-0473 for further details.
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