Computer graphics take a back-seat as the sands of times shift in favor of claymation - find out how, tonite.
The Dowager's Feast is a short film by Joan Gratz, being presented under the International Women's Film Festival being held with the British Council's support. The Festival is the brainchild with Meenakshi Shedde, former film critic of The Times Of India, and Point Of View, a non-profit organisation from Mumbai.
In this movie the director, makes use of little blobs of clay as oil paints and smears them strategically to create a tidal wave of vibrant, synapse-shocking moving images. Gretz revolutionized animation in the 70's with clay-painting (or 'claymation' as it's sometimes called), a technique that is a world away from computer-generated animation.
Name: The Dowager's Feast
Director: Joan Gratz
Length: 5 minutes
Awards: Best Experimental Film, L A Animation Celebration 1998.
Country: USA
Please contact 93910-20243 for further details.