Soulscapes brings two artists, Milind Nayak from Bangalore, and Rahim Mirza from Bhopal in an exhibition that has been described as capturing the space within and the space around us. Milind Nayak, the outsider and Rahim Mirza the insider: meet up in this rather interesting show of details and abstracts.
Soulscapes is an exhibition which narrates the expressions of nature and the impressions of emotions. Inviting greens to blazing red leaves takes the spectators on a journey of feelings created and composed by these two artists. While Nayak is more of a detail-person, Mirza uses nature motifs in abstract paintings.
The exhibition opens on 6th March and goes on till the 20th, at Daira. Special guided tours can be had by calling 040-55618628. Please contact 55618628, 9849987187 for further details.