Dasara Thummakommaon 3rd Jun 2019, 10:48am | Permalink
Hi, My name is Dasara. I'm so interested to sing in padutha theeyaga Please let me know about the selections in This contest My mail id:dasara5tdr@gmail.com My phone no.:9346688608, 8096123673
Hai sir, My name is Alekhya, Padutha thiyaga is a wonderful program.i like and I am interested to singing songs . so I want to prove my self on stage please give me an opportunity to get the best out of my talent and Please give me the details please contact me please: 8500814923
Rashmika Patel Vemula Padutha theeyaga is a really good program iam interested in singing songs. Could you please send the details when the start next padutha theeyaga Auditions My phone numbers: 9959183341 9100521999 ushavemula297@gmail.com
Pothureddy harikaon 22nd Jun 2020, 7:12pm | Permalink
I am interested to sing in padutha theeyaga so could you please send me details about auditions. Thanking you,
Sir my name is sivaram iam interested in padutha theeyaga kindly send the details and venue of paadutha theeyaga next upcoming auditions. So I will request you to inform when the auditions Will begin .. pH no 9154327574
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Suseela.Gangaon 26th Feb 2020, 10:07am | Permalink
My Name is Padma Suseela and I'm interested to sing in paaduta teyyaga. My age is 19. It's my dream. I request you to please inform me about auditions as I don't know how to approach! My contact number is 9381765287. Thank you
A .hari krishnaon 22nd Jan 2020, 11:48am | Permalink
Hi sir. My name is A.Hari krishna I am intrested singing in padutha theeyaga can you tell me when will auditions will go on. Contact no. 8999594914 Mail I'd hari1siri31@gmail.com