As part of the Italian Film Festival titled Rome In Classic Italian Cinema being organised by the Hyderabad Film Club at the Prasad Labs Preview Theatre, the movie Django Kill will be screened on 18th October. The movie will begin at 5pm.
This 1967 movie, despite its title, has little to do with Sergio Corbucci's renowned spaghetti western Django, that was released a year earlier. The original title for Django Kill, is Si Sei Vivo Spara, which means If You Live, Shoot! Django Kill is an intensely violent movie, with a touch of black comedy, too.
A gold thief (Tomas Milian), left for dead by his partners and found by 2 Indians who nurture him back to life, is out for revenge. On his arrival in a town called The Unhappy Place, he finds that the gang has already been here, only to meet with a horrible fate, as the town's people here seem to be even more evil than the gold thieves themselves.
2 of the town's important men have retrieved the stolen gold and will stop at nothing, even sacrificing members of their own families to a gang of depraved thugs, to keep all the loot for themselves. Milian tries to stop these savages, putting himself in danger as well. It's every man for himself in this dark and graphic look at greed.
The movie was directed by Giulio Questi, and the cast includes Tomas Milian, Marilu Tolo, Ray Lovelock, Roberto Camardiel, Piero Lulli and Milo Quesada.
Entry is free for members of the Hyderabad Film Club. Please contact Bh S S Prakash Reddy at 93910-20243 for further details.