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Prakriti - Exhibition Of Paintings By Farhad Tamkanat

Prakriti - Exhibition Of Paintings By Farhad Tamkanat is an event that took place between 06-Aug-2010 and 14-Aug-2010 in Hyderabad.
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City-based artist Farhad Tamkanat is hosting an exhibition of paintings from 3rd March, at Minaaz Art Gallery. The collection, called Prakriti, contains paintings done by Farhad with acrylic colors on canvas.

Most of the paintings are figurative, especially on women and on nature, with different moods and different expressions being synthesized in a variety of media.

Farhad's works on women are borrowed from the day-to-day observation of their life and their behavior patterns, especially those with their chins on their hands, or sitting with their deep-thinking faces. In some of the paintings, women are shown amongst nature. This implies that the artist is trying to portray or compare women's beauty with the beauty of nature.

Farhad Tamkanat, born in 1977 and brought up in Hyderabad, is the younger brother of the renowned artist Fawad Tamkanat. He did his BFA in painting from the S V College Of Fine Arts, Hyderabad. After participating in various group shows for 5 years in art galleries such as Jahangir Art Gallery in Mumbai, Kushi Art Foundation in New Delhi, Ray Art Gallery in Pune and Concern India Foundation in Bangalore, Farhad had his first and only solo exhibition at Lakshana Art Gallery in Hyderabad during 2007.

The exhibition is open from 4pm to 7pm till 10th March. Please contact the art gallery at 93924-98541 for further details.
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