Secunderabad Club is organising the annual Nawab Moin-Ud-Dowla Tennis Tournament, from 21st to 27th January. A state ranking tournament, this one will see top players of the city and the state in action in the men, boys, girls and veterans sections.
The total prize money is worth Rs. 1,25,000, up from Rs. 1,00,000 from last year. The men's singles winner will be awarded Rs. 25,000 and the runners-up will get Rs. 12,500 each. The boys and girls singles winners will be given Rs. 4,000 each. Cash prizes will also be given to the pre-quarterfinalists and quarterfinalists.
There will also be a special event, the Above-55 Years Veterans Doubles. The matches will be played on six international standard courts - four synthetic and two clay courts.
This tournament is being organised for more than 40 years now, and is one of the most eagerly awaited tournaments of the calender year by tennis lovers. Top players of the state such as Narendranath, S P Mishra, S S Mishra, Akshath Mishra, Vasudeva Reddy and Vishnu Vardhan have taken part in the past. The organisers are planning to make this tournament an all-India level tournament from next year.
Please contact 2780-4840/2780-4841/2780-4842 for further details.