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Multilingual Drama Festival By Abhinaya Theatre

Multilingual Drama Festival By Abhinaya Theatre is an event that took place between 10-Aug-2009 and 13-Aug-2009 in Hyderabad.
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Abhinaya Theatre is celebrating its 4th annual Multi-Lingual National Theatre Festival 2009, from 10th August to 13th August, at Ravindra Bharati. The plays start at 6:30pm daily.

The schedule each day starts with an interactive session with theatre professionals, followed by a play in a different language each day. The festival will be inaugurated on the 10th August, by Dharma Prasad Rao (Revenue Minister) along with guests of honor Dr. C Narayana Reddy (Writer), Rallabandi Kavita Prasad (Director, Dept. Of Culture), Aruna Kumar (Manager, SBI) and K Subbi Rama Reddy (Editor, Abhinaya magazine), at 6:30pm.

The plays that will be performed are Pipeelikam (Telugu) on 10th August, Bade Saab Purana (Kannada) on 11th August, Nithalle Ki Dairy (Hindi) on 12th August and The Turmoil (Manipuri)on 13th August.

The closing ceremony will be on 13th August, with an interactive session with D Manikya Vara Prasad (Minister, Higher Education) and Rudra Raju Padma Raju (MLC), after the play.

Please contact Srinivas at 93911-11622 for further details.
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