The Hyderabad Film Club, in collaboration with the Mexican Embassy in New Delhi and the Federation Of Film Societies Of India, is presenting a Mexican Film Festival from 17th to 19th July, at Sarathi Studios, Ameerpet. A total of 5 films will be screened, as given below:
17th July
6:00pm - Anonymous Threat, by Aldo Monti
7:30pm - Santo And Blue Demon Vs The Monsters, by Gilberto Mart?z Solares
18th July
6:00pm - The She-Wolves, by Jaime Jimenez Pons and Rubwn Galindo
7:30pm - Santo Vs Blue Demon In Atlantis, by Julian Soler
19th July
6:30pm - Santo In The Wax Museum, by Alfonso Corona Blake
Entry is free for everyone. Please contact Bh S S Prakash Reddy, Secretary of the Hyderabad Film Club, at 2373-0841/93910-20243 for further details.