The Hyderabad Film Festival, in collaboration with the Mexican Embassy in New Delhi and the Federation Of Film Societies Of India, is presenting a Mexican Film Festival from 17th to 19th July, at Sarathi Studios, Ameerpet. A total of 5 films will be screened during the 3-day festival.
Anonymous Threat (Anonimo Mortal) is the inaugural film that will be screened on 17th July, at 6pm. The film was directed by Aldo Monti.
After a series of murders, inspector Ponce and detective Rocha start an investigation to find the perpetrators. The only leads are the anonymous letters that the victims receive a few days before their death.
Worried about having received one, the entrepreneur Mario Gaos decides to hire Santo (a masked wrestler), since he's the only person that can keep him safe. Santo and his two sexy young colleagues, Yvette and Pablo, start investigating the relation between the victims and the Nazi origin of the killers.
Entry is free for everyone. Please contact Bh S S Prakash Reddy, secretary of the Hyderabad Film Club, at 2373-0841/93910-20243 for further details.