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Export Leather Products Exhibition By HLL

Export Leather Products Exhibition By HLL is an event that took place between 23-Mar-2002 and 01-Apr-2002 in Hyderabad.
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The good news is that you can trust that this is indeed export quality stuff. The bad news is that what they're all saying is indeed true. The global economy is truly in recession. See, even Lever can't sell abroad now.

Hindustan Lever's exports division is organizing a sale of export quality shoes, leather goods and carpets for a 10-day period. The division has been conducting such exhibitions for the last 8 years continuously in almost all the metropolitan cities.

The shoes that will be on for sale are primarily of the formal kind that get exported to Europe. The price range of these items is Rs. 550 to Rs. 650. The leather good items consisting of bags, leather valets, office bags and travel bags range in price between Rs. 110 and Rs. 2,500.

Pure hand woven carpets of contemporary design will also be displayed. These carpets are exported primarily to Europe and the United States. The price of these items ranges between Rs. 800 and Rs. 30,000. The sale will be open on Sundays too, and Mastercard and Visa cards are accepted.

Please contact Nagaraj, HLL, at 780-1936 for further details.
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