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Eternal Symphony - Exhibition Of Paintings By Saraswathi L

Eternal Symphony - Exhibition Of Paintings By Saraswathi L is an event that took place between 11-Dec-2010 and 25-Dec-2010 in Hyderabad.
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Alankritha Art Gallery is organising an exhibition of paintings "Eternal Symphony" by L Saraswathi from 11th to 25th December. 30 recent works of the artist are on display at the gallery. These paintings are a continuation of her works exhibited at the gallery during this time last year, which was titled "Cosmos Of Life".

Saraswathi's paintings mostly depict human life, women in particular. In this exhibition, the characters - male and female - are akin to Lord Krishna, as the artist endows most of them with a flute. These characters are derived from stories (particularly from the epics Ramayana and Mahabharata, and from the Panchatantra) and myths. The characters, flora, fauna and symbols of these paintings are ingrained in social consciousness of most Indians. In fact, these characters, symbols and motifs are often resurrected by artists and depicted in art.

Saraswathi is a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) from Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University, Hyderabad. An upcoming artist, she has participated in solo exhibitions at the State Art Gallery in 2007, and the Alankritha Art Gallery in 2008, and also in group exhibitions at the Lakshana Art Gallery in 2007 and Alankritha Art Gallery in 2008.

The exhibition is open from 11 am to 7 pm. Please contact the gallery at 2311-3709 for further details.
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