If you wear a tie on work, it's time to show some remorse. And the confessional is located at The Sixth Element.
The Sixth Element has geared up tonite to treat all corporates to a nite of thumping rock. Microtone, the rockband from Bangalore, is going to entertain the corporates this Wednesday.
Microtone last year participated in Campus Rock Idols and Rock Rhythmz held at Bangalore and Hyderabad. Even though they didn't won any of these competitions, they made a big impact. Since then, they have played at many pubs and campus festivals of South India. In between, DJs Jitesh and Karl will churn you through classic rock, R&B, Hip-Hop and the works.
At corporate nite, all you need to do is flash your ID card, and you're in. There are three packages available, and therein lies the real thrill. For Rs. 299, you can guzzle down unlimited beer, for Rs. 399 vodka flows freely, and for Rs. 499, whisky is in abundance.
Please contact 6666-4488, 98855-52513 or 98858-11166 for further details.