We're sure you've never wondered how bread made with buttermilk and onions tastes. Or what cookies made of spices smell like. Now's better than later to start wondering. Well, maybe if you treated them like vadas, it'd help. Novotel is organising a Bread & Cookies mela at The Deli. The festival is from 1st July to 31st Aug, and The Deli is open from 11am to 11:30pm.
Chef Siddharth, who has an experience of 6 years in the field, and has been working at Novotel since 3 years, is serving up these treats. The major attractions of the mela are Italian cookies with spices, ginger snaps, butter twists and white chocolate cookies. The varieties of breads offered include multi-grain dry bread, tomato bread and buttermilk & onion bread.
Cookies are priced at Rs. 100 a box, and breads cost between Rs. 100 and Rs. 150, depending on the weight.
Please contact 6682-4422 for further details.