November 2009 marks the 75th anniversary of the British Council of India, and the Council is celebrating it with a new promotion, Books Gone Wild. 75 books, each with a British connection, have been chosen for the promotion.
The Council will circulate the books among its members, who in turn can pass the books around the city, country and even the world. This is a unique social experiment which will link people together, as books are passed from one to another. Members can serve as an important link in the chain by giving their feedback on any of the books on British Council website.
Members can be part of Books Gone Wild by way of receiving a book, reading it and passing it on to another after feeding his/her views and thoughts on the website. The next person will follow the same procedure so that it makes a chain of reading and expressing their own view on the website. Readers can track various views about the same book at any time.
There are prizes to be won by people who are part of the longest book chain. The books that are part of Books Gone Wild contest are displayed in the library. Each person can select a maximum of 3 titles that he/she can receive on December 5, 5:30pm, at the library. Selection is based on a first-cum-served basis for titles that receive more than one request.
Please contact 2348-3333 for further details.