There's been a flood of fashion shows in town lately. But this one is sure to top them all. And in case you are took that in word, we're being really cynical. This was one show that reminded you of the adage "Anything that could go wrong went wrong."
To start with, it didn't - the show, on time, that is. And so the Chief Guest, the labor and employment minister Mr. Krishna Yadav, left before the actual event could even begin, because of "prior" commitments. The show, scheduled to start at 7pm, commenced an hour late. And this fashion show was really special. The audience was treated to kids dancing to popular numbers, apart from the actual fashion parades. The dances were so numerous that the show ended up resembling a school annual day function.
There were quite a few designers, in two sections: Senior and Junior. The clothes were mostly Ghagra Cholis, with predominant pastel shades. But there was an inordinate amount of glitter in the clothes? maybe the designers are looking at getting the "glitterati" as their customers. The idea of letting the designers model for the clothes was bad. With no basic idea of catwalking, the designers turned sashaying into a "fine art", with facial contortions (smiles!) thrown in for good measure.
But the cake goes to the comp鲥, Uma Prasad, who was the highlight of the show. She gave the event a special touch, committing flagrant blunders with utmost confidence. To quote her, "Now the little girl will lose all her nerve and dance well!" This was meant to bolster the girl's confidence. Hopefully the young girl didn't know the difference between nerve and nervousness. The comp鲥 committed faux pas left, right and center. But in a way that was redemption for the audience. They were battered by the blaring sound and the glaring lights, and some comic relief is always welcome! At the end of the day, there was no doubt who the star of the day was!
The collections, though, were pretty okay, and would have been well received if the show were better organized. The winner in the junior section was Sharmila, and in the senior section it was Kiran. Though this was not exactly a dream beginning, hope their fashion careers fare better.