One good turn deserves another. Indeed, but only after the applause and salutations - viva! A good voice, we know, deserves kudos galore. Ask Gene Hackman, Ameen Sayani or Amitabh Bachchan.
Or ask the actors at Sutradhar. This cult of passionate actors is organising a workshop that concentrates exclusively on improving diction of Hindi, Urdu or English. The workshop will familiarise participants with a digital studio environment, make them comfortable with the microphone and help with training the vocal chords for RJing, VJing etc. This promises to be a great learning experience for budding actors and those seeking flourishing call-centre careers as well.
The three-week course aims at improving communication skills by employing various techniques from SPEECH AND VOICE EXCERCISES, YOGA, PRANAYAM, CONCENTRATION EXCERCISES etc.
Please call 2322 6485 or 98480 52541 for more details.