Morals, values and ethics can definitely not be imbued in a few hours of classes, which is why the instructor or the guru matters. Sometimes learning is about being in the presence of a more evolved soul, and not just about words and lectures.
Well, where else to pick up Value Orientation from then, than at the Vivekananda Institute Of Personality Development? Swami Shreekantananda will take a few classes during this 6-hour workshop for young people. The remaining will be conducted by reknowned professors from various educational institutes in Hyderabad.
The five classes include meditation, time management, personality development, cultural values and a message from Swami Vivekananda. Anyone below 25 years can register by paying a sum of just Rs. 5 at the venue. The program will start at 9:00 in the morning. For more details, please contact 2762-7961.