13043 USA Association Under-19 Vs Hyderabad Under-19 Friendly Cricket Match: Events in Hyderabad - fullhyd.com
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USA Association Under-19 Vs Hyderabad Under-19 Friendly Cricket Match

USA Association Under-19 Vs Hyderabad Under-19 Friendly Cricket Match is an event that took place on 25-Jan-2006 in Hyderabad.
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  • Venue
    Gymkhana Grounds (6 km)
    Near Paradise Circle, S P Road, Secunderabad • Telephone: 2790-5676
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On the 25th of January, the USA Under 19 cricket team plays friendly matches against Indian teams. Surprised? Didn't know the Yankee interest stretched beyond baseball and soccer? Well, you wouldn't feel too unwarranted in feeling that way if you knew some of the names of the team-members: Zaka Khan, Chirag Bhakta and Birju Gajjor! That's right - the Indians crossed 8000 miles, jumped off on the American coast and went right back to playing cricket. Like they say, you can take a man out of a cricket -playing-country, but you can't take cricket out of the man... Or, something like that...

Anyway, the deal is that on the 25th January, this team, i. e. the USA U19, will clash in a friendly match with Hyderabad's Under 17 team at Gymkhana Grounds. Following this, they will clash with the Hyderabadi Under 19 team at Uppal on the 26th January. The USA U19 team is stopping by in India, enroute to the Under 19 world cup at Srilanka. So watch out for some Googlies and Corkers and find out whether Indians play any differently on a foriegn soil.
For further details, please contact HCA at 2790-5676.
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