13138 Carnatic Vocal Duet By Hyderabad Sisters, Lalitha And Haripriya: Events in Hyderabad - fullhyd.com
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Carnatic Vocal Duet By Hyderabad Sisters, Lalitha And Haripriya

Carnatic Vocal Duet By Hyderabad Sisters, Lalitha And Haripriya is an event that took place on 25-Jan-2006 in Hyderabad.
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Hari Hara Kala Bhavan brings you the two ladies who have made the city famous along with themselves performing in their city of origin. Lalitha and Haripriya, 45 and 43 respectively, started performing when they were 14 and 12 years respectively, and this the 4th decade of an illustrious music career.

Disciples of T G Padmanabham and belonging to the Alathur Sishya parampara, these A grade artists of AIR and DD have given innumberable classical vocal Carnatic concerts. They have featured quite a few times in the national programs of music, the radio sangeet sammelans and the special programs of DD, and have performed extensively in all prestigious music sabhas in India and abroad. The Spirit of Unity concerts have presented their concerts several times. And like you may expect, the awards have just overflowed, with the prominent being the Raja Annamalai Award of the Madrad Music Academy in 1994. The sisters have released several cassettes, too.

For further details, please contact 98490-15496, 93910-44910, 93910-08180, 98495-99505.
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