Irene Jacob ramps down the path of intrigue and secrecy while modeling critical acclaim for director Kieslowski.
The Hyderabad Film Club is presenting the screening of director Krzysztof Kieslowski's acclaimed trilogy, Three Colors - Blue, White and Red. Hailed by filmgoers as some of the most absorbing, engaging and well-crafted dramas in recent memory, these movies will be screened at the Sarathi Studios on the 17th, the 18th and the 19th of August respectively.
Three Colors - Red stars Irene Jacob (of The Double Life Of Veronique fame) as a young model whose chance meeting with an unusual stranger leads her down a path of intrigue and secrecy. As her knowledge of the man deepens, she discovers an astonishing link between his past and her destiny.
Please contact Prakash Reddy on 93910-20243 for further details.