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The Return Of Robin Hood

The Return Of Robin Hood is an event that took place on 19-Nov-2005 in Hyderabad.
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India/1987/35mm/Col/Hindi/111 mins/Fiction

Three rich land-owning brothers exploit the poor of their village with merciless greed by giving them loans at high interest rates against forged documents. One of them starts a school for the education of their own children. 10-year-old Tetra, the son of a poor villager, cannot afford to go to school. Instead, he earns money for his family by pulling the rope of a hand-drawn fan which cools the rich kids while they attend school.

However, Tetra is gifted with an exceptional talent: a photographic memory. This enables him to grasp everything that is taught in school. While Jatin Babu, the school teacher, secretly encourages Tetra, he is also noticed by the villainous rich kids, who want to use him as an accountant so he can help them collect even more rent from the poor villagers. Tetra manages to turn their scheme on its head and leaves the villagers better off than before. However, once the bad guys notice what he has done, he must do what he can to escape.

Please contact 2331-9396, 2331-9408 for further details.
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