The beastly side of man is never a pretty sight. This artist, evidently, doesn't care, in his celebration of angst, void, pain, grief and everything that is dark about being human.
While some have mulled over the complex labyrinth of human attachment to society, others have tried to discover the twilight zones in which the subtle differences between man and beast cease to exist.
"The Beast Within" is an exhibition of paintings by Durga Prasad Bandi, being held at Avani Rao Gandra Artist Studio, which showcases the various moods of the beast called man. These paintings reflect the artist's personal reflections and desires on his character.
Artist Durga Prasad Bandi has used the dog as a symbol of the emotions that man undergoes in his interactions with society. The human experience of negotiating with loneliness, pain, anguish and grief, accompanied by a sense of void, emptiness or longing is expressed through his association with the beast. At times, it accompanies him as a friend, as a symbol of hope and optimism.
Durga Prasad also explores the arguments of man's greed and want through the beast. Man's unending desires and dark cravings are depicted through salivating, foaming, and furious dogs in the paintings. Raw red is used to denote blisters, eruptions, sores and wounds surfacing from pain and greed.
Durga Prasad has completed BFA in Printmaking (Graphics) from the Department of Fine Arts, Andhra University (Visakhapatnam), and is currently pursuing his MVA II year (Master of Visual Arts) in Printmaking (Graphics) at the Faculty of Fine Arts, the Maharaj Sayajirao University (Baroda).
He has participated in several workshops & seminars including "Samhita", a national-level seminar-cum-workshop conducted by the College of Art, Govt. of NCT (New Delhi), in 2005; "Trends in Print-Making?, a National Workshop at the Dept of Fine Arts, Andhra University (Visakhapatnam); 'Variation' 2007, a camp of young artists from all over India, at the Govt. College of Fine Arts, Chennai.
His works were exhibited for the Tsunami Relief Fund Exhibition at the Dept of Fine Arts, Andhra University; 48th National Exhibition of Art 2005-2006, at the Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University (Hyderabad); "The Final Count Down" Art exhibition, Dept of Fine Arts, Andhra University; Ravi Jain annual exhibition at Dhoomi Mal Gallery (New Delhi); and 'Variation' 2007, an exhibition at Lalit Kala Academy, Regional Center, Chennai.
The exhibition is on from 13th September to 23rd September, open for view from 11am to 7pm. Please contact 98499-68797 for further details.