NI-MSME is launching a Training Program, on Fostering Innovations in SMEs: Enabling Services & Tools specifically customized for Intermediary Organisations in India and co-created by experts from premier German and Indian Institutes. This Training is a 5-day programme with a 3-days of Class-Room Training and 2-Days of ?Active Short Consulting? Practical Training focusing on Industry-Institute Connect.
The program designed to support and strengthen Intermediary Organisations to develop a service portfolio to include Enabling Services and Tools to foster innovation in SMEs.
The focus would be on how to identify innovation projects in SME's and then a proven methodology to systematically promote cooperation between industry, academia and government to strengthen the innovation capacity and sustainability of SMEs. It includes excercise based sessions, practical case studies and an opportunity to work on individual innovation ideas/projects - supported by experts and facilitators from Germany and India.
The training will Please contact 98499-35962, 93460-12052 for further details.