Khalil Gibran once said 'Art is a step from what is obvious and well-known toward what is arcane and concealed'. Here's an opportunity to go a step ahead, with Gallery Space presenting a solo show of figurative paintings by Sayeeda Ali from 11am to 7pm everyday from 20th December to 9th January .
'Figurative painting' is a form of art which is derived from real objects and is representational. It may represent the human figure, an animal figure or any form of modern art, but retains strong references to the real world.
Sayeeda Ali, Gallery Space's Artist Of The Month, is a painter who conveys the effects of conventional canvas using the reverse painting technique. Sayeeda's forte is in trying to capture day-to-day images as one sees around us in her paintings in splashes of vivid colours.
She graduated with a Masters in Fine Art from Central University, Hyderabad. She has exhibited her works in galleries in India, Canada, Paris, France and USA. Her paintings are in public and private collections all over the world.
Please contact 98491-61384/6554-1836 for further details.