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Shilpa Sandhya Vedika (Night Bazar)

Shilpa Sandhya Vedika (Night Bazar) is an event that took place between 20-Jan-2012 and 31-Dec-2012 in Hyderabad.
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The Department of Tourism is organizing the Shilpa Sandhya Vedika, a night bazaar, at Shilparamam. The bazaar is open from 3pm to 3am everyday from 20 January to 31 December.

The Shilpa Sandhya Vedika is a bazaar that boasts of 250 shops spread over 60,000 square feet. It is divided into 4 zones - Adhunik (modern), Sultanate, Vedic, and Azma (Stone Age).

The Stone Age area is designed to provide information on mankind's evolution.

The area representative of the Vedic period speaks to the evolution of various traditional art forms, sciences, mathematics.

The Sultanate area will explores the kings of India and their dynasties.

Lastly, the Adhunik section represents the modern age and the developments of our times in science, technology, and lifestyles.

Each area will feature a food court selling food from the respective time period. This Bazaar also serves as a direct market facility to artisans and artist.

The entry to the bazaar is free. Please contact 6451-8164 or 2310-0455 for further information.
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