'Relationships - The Crucial Game' is a workshop that takes a psycho- spiritual approach to the domain of relationships by focusing on self-awareness and social intelligence.
About the Facilitator: Usha is the founder of Pink Mist Retreat based in Hyderabad. She is an internationally renowned healer/facilitator having spent more than a decade in the field of Meta-physics and Psycho-spiritual healing.
Usha has been conducting several workshops and healing sessions dealing with a wide range of modalities involving energy-work and soul-work. As a Reiki Grand Master, a Past-life Regression Therapist, a Re-birther and currently very popular in the field of Trans-generational Healing, Usha has been working with people from all over the globe, assisting them individually and in groups to convert every ?break- down? into a break-through!
Dates: Wednesday, 13th August - 4:00 pm to 8:00pm, 14th August and Saturday, 16th August: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.